
person in black pants lying on brown cardboard boxes


Last night I watched the documentary, “Jesus Music.” It began with the Jesus Movement of the late 1960s and early 1970s, from which I found my faith. So it resonated with me. The part of the story that struck me most was that it was a history of resistance by Christians against Christians. As each…
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Heart of Darkness; Hearts of Light

Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness has many interpretations, but one focuses on the depravity that lurks in the human heart—darkness. In John 3:19-20, Jesus equates that darkness as evil that the light Christ brought into the world exposes. He also indicates in Matthew 9:4 that evil resides in hearts. We witness today great evil working…
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tea lights, candles, light

The Kingdom in a Red Light

We tend to look for the work of Christ in the Kingdom in the big stuff—miracles, healings, revelations, etc. I know, however, that the Kingdom is all about me in the little stuff—the ordinary things of life. I know God is there. I’m just not looking closely enough to see him. I pray frequently that…
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ukraine, flag, sky

Peace on Earth; Peace in Ukraine

Russia has invaded Ukraine. The post-Word War II security arrangements have been shattered. The world is at war, even if we do not yet recognize how. Yes, the fighting and dying are only with Russians and Ukrainians, at the moment. Whether or not people beyond those nations also will fight and die, as with all…
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Kingdom Alignment: My Plans And Desires

Reading Time 3.5 Minutes “God bless my plan.” For a very long time I have said this mockingly as an example of exactly the type of prayer we should not pray. Living a Christian life requires us to surrender our lives to Christ, which means we live according to his plan and not ours. I…
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Getting the Message

The grocery seems to be a place where I find the Kingdom more easily. My most recent experience occurred a few days ago. As I entered the checkout line I saw that the young woman bagging the groceries had an almost rigid mask for her face. That was when I could see her face at…
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Former Things Forgotten a Novel by Thomas Trezise

New Release Contributes to the Popular Appalachian Literature Genre

“Over the past couple of decades, Appalachian literature has developed a strong and close relationship with independent publishing, showing the latter to be an important medium for the expression for Appalachian voice,” writes Kristopher Clifford in a master’s thesis in 2007. A new release, Former Things Forgotten, by Thomas Trezise, published by the hybrid Redemption…
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Pray Like Tevya

In high school, I had roles in two productions of Broadway musicals. I didn’t even sing, but they gave me the bug. Since then I’ve had a love affair with Broadway. One of my favorite musicals is Fiddler on the Roof. If you are unfamiliar with it, the musical tells the story of a Jewish…
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Welcome, I'm Tom

I'm Tom Trezise a retired lawyer and corporate executive with over twenty years of experience as a Methodist lay preacher. Raised in Appalachia, I proudly call myself a hillbilly at heart. I'm the executive director of The Everyday Kingdom, a non-profit devoted to fostering a community that helps people find and experience the peace, purpose, and joy available from living every day in Christ’s kingdom.

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